Send email from Moodle – Students’ Guide

Moodle has a new and improved functionality to send emails. Sending email from Moodle is a requirement for certain courses.

Compose New email
Go to the unit where you are supposed to send an email from. Click on the Envelope/Mail icon on the top right corner of your screen:

Click on Compose:

Options: Select the name of your trainer by clicking on the Add recipient's button. Write the subject as advised on your assessment and the required body of the email. Add attachments (up to 5 files allowed) if required.

Click Send. You can also save it and send the message later.

Other Features

  • Click on “Inbox” to view the emails that you have received.
  • Click on “Drafts” to see draft emails.
  • Click on “Sent” to see the emails that you have sent.
  • Click on “Trash” to received deleted emails.

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