If you have no accounts signed in to OneDrive
If you don’t have an account signed in to OneDrive, use these instructions to start OneDrive.
Select the Start button, search for “OneDrive”, and then open it:
In Windows 10 or 11, select OneDrive.
When OneDrive Setup starts, enter your work or school account, and select Sign in.
Set up the OneDrive sync app on Mac
- Install OneDrive for Mac (link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/onedrive/download? Important: If you're using the OneDrive Mac Store app, uninstall it before installing the latest build of the sync app.
- Start OneDrive by pressing cmd + Space to launch a Spotlight query and type OneDrive. This starts the OneDrive Setup.
- Enter your work or school account and then select Sign in.