OneDrive Setup and File Management Instructions

Step 1: OneDrive Login

  • Navigate to
  • Enter your credentials to log in with your Microsoft account.

Step 2: Accessing OneDrive

  • Once logged in, locate and click on the "OneDrive" app.

Step 3: Creating a Folder

  • Inside OneDrive, click on "New" and select "Folder" from the dropdown menu.

  • Name the folder accordingly and press "Enter" to create it.

Step 4: Uploading Files and Folders

  • Open the newly created folder by clicking on it.

  • To upload files, click on "Upload" and choose "Files" or "Folder" based on your requirement.


  • Upload Files and Folder from your computer.

  • Once files are uploaded you can share them with your colleagues.

  • Click on files or folder and navigate to navbar and see Share & Copy Link

  • You can share files to them by searching their names

Step 5: Providing Access to Users

  • Right-click on the folder you want to share.
  • Choose "Share" from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter the email addresses of the users you want to share with.
  • Set the appropriate permissions (View, Edit, or Co-Owner).


  • Add a message if needed.
  • Click "Send" to share the folder.


By following these steps, you can set up OneDrive, manage folders and files, and provide access to users efficiently.


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